MyLU Insider


Category: Students

It’s not too late to get your flu shot at the Health Center

Flu cases are on the rise, and health officials are urging people to take precautions. Simple steps, including getting a flu shot, help protect against the flu.

There have been 161 influenza cases to date in Wisconsin this flu season and 95 influenza-associated hospitalizations, including eight children and 78 adults ages 50 and older. Of those hospitalized with influenza, 63 percent were ages 65 years and older.

“Getting a flu shot is still one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family and friends against the flu and potential complications,” said State Health Officer Karen McKeown. “There are also many simple steps people can take now to avoid spreading the flu to family and friends, and to keep from getting it themselves, including practicing good hand washing hygiene, covering your cough, and not sharing drinking cups and straws.”

Influenza can range from mild to severe and in some cases can cause life-threatening complications. Symptoms can come on quickly and include fever, headache, dry cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, body aches and tiredness. If someone does get the flu after getting vaccinated, it is more likely to be a milder case.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyone aged six months and older should be vaccinated annually. To schedule a flu shot, contact your health care provider, pharmacy, local public health department or tribal health clinic, or go to the CDC website to find a flu vaccination center near you.

Health officials encourage you to remember these steps for protecting against the flu:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with your upper sleeve and try to avoid touching your face with your hand. If you use a tissue, throw it away after one use.
  • Use your own drinking cups and straws.
  • Avoid being exposed to people who are sick with flu-like symptoms.
  • Eat nutritious meals, get plenty of rest and do not smoke.
  • Frequently clean commonly touched surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, refrigerator handle, telephone, faucets).
  • If you think you have the flu, call your doctor. Stay home, rest, drink plenty of liquids and avoid using alcohol and tobacco.

*Department of Health Services

Contact Jill Drier, director of health services, for more information and to schedule your flu shot today!

Career Services in the Conservatory

New this term! Career Services will be in the Conservatory lobby every Wednesday from 3–4:30 p.m. for quick questions about résumés, cover letters, interviewing and other career-related topics. No appointment needed!

Career Services has drop-in hours daily.

  • Monday 3-4:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday 4:30–7 p.m.
  • Wednesday 3–4:30 p.m. (Conservatory lobby)
  • Thursday 1:30–3:30 p.m.
  • Friday 9:30–11:30 a.m.

Appointments also available. Contact Career Services for more information.
Alice G. Chapman Hall, second floor

Winter Wriston Art Gallery exhibitions open Jan. 13

Join us to celebrate the winter 2017 exhibitions in the Wriston Art Galleries!

Opening reception: Friday, Jan. 13 at 6 p.m.
Performance by We Go From Where We Know* at 8 p.m.

Dreams of the Floating World: 15 Views of Tokugawa Japan
Curated by the students in Brigid Vance’s HIST 388: Early Modern Japan
Leech Gallery

The Fine Print: Women Artists in the Dr. Robert Dickens ’63 Collection of Contemporary Art
Hoffmaster Gallery

Lawrence University Studio Art Faculty Exhibition
Tony Conrad, lecturer of art
Rob Neilson, Frederick R. Layton Professor of Art and associate professor of art
Benjamin Rinehart, associate professor of art
John Shimon, associate professor of art
Meghan C. Sullivan, Uihlein Fellow of Studio Art
Kohler Gallery

*We Go From Where We Know’s performance will feature the following LU faculty and staff members and alumni:

Julia Blair ’11, voice, viola
Loren Dempster, cello
John Gates, voice, percussion
Brian Pertl, didgeridoo
Leila Ramagopal Pertl, harp
John Shimon, guitar

Seniors: Support, Strategies and Success (S4)

Graduating this year? Seniors should attend Seniors: Support, Strategies and Success” (S4). S4 will explain how to promote your skills, create quality application materials, build your personal brand and more! We want to help you feel energized about your future and life after Lawrence!

Join Career Services in the Runkel Conference Room on the fourth floor of the Warch Campus Center every Tuesday from 11:10 a.m. to noon.

Jan. 17: Getting Started
Jan. 24: Résumés and Cover Letters
Jan. 31: Interviewing
Feb. 7: Dress for Success
Feb. 14: Managing your Money
Feb. 21: LinkedIn and Social Media
Feb. 28: Alumni Panel: Transitioning to Life after Lawrence (6 p.m. in Warch Cinema)

Registration on LUworks is appreciated.

Audition for the United States Marine Corps Band!

Join SSGT William Killian, musician placement director, in the Conservatory lobby Jan. 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to talk about the Marine Corps Band and find out how to audition. An audition date will be set in early February.

You can also sign up for a 1:1 chat with SSGT Killian in Career Services that same afternoon. Reserve your spot on LUworks now.

Campus closed Dec. 24–Jan. 1

Campus will be closed for the holidays starting Saturday, Dec. 24 through Sunday, Jan. 1. Campus will re-open on Monday, Jan. 2.

Although campus is closed, the IT network and email will continue to function normally. Snow and ice removal will continue during the daylight hours. Campus security will also be available—if you need anything, contact 920-832-6999.

Save the date: Jan. 6 Convocation

What do Assistant Professor José Encarnación, current student Irene Durbak ’17, alumna Carolyn Armstrong Desrosiers ’10, former non-degree-seeking student Christopher Ducasse, journalist Fritz Valescot, LUCE (Lawrence University Cello Ensemble) and the Lawrence University Symphony Orchestra all have in common?

Find out Friday, Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. in Memorial Chapel when Janet Anthony, George and Marjorie Olsen Chandler Professor of Music, speaks about her 20 years of music-making and cross-cultural exchange in Haiti.

There will be performances of Haitian music, including two works composed by non-degree seeking students at Lawrence, short film clips from Kenbe La directed by Armstrong Desrosiers and Stephan Anunson, and reflections on the transformative power of music.

We hope to see you there!

A Giving Day thank you from the Board of Trustees

Giving Day 2016 participants,

A sincere thank you to each of you from me personally and from the Board of Trustees for your help in making Giving Day a huge success. Whether you contributed your time, talent or treasure (or some of each), you were an important part of this collective community effort.   

I want to especially thank the students, faculty and staff members who took time out of their busy schedules to participate in the program itself. Alumni and friends thoroughly enjoy hearing from students about their experiences on campus, their academic work and goals, from faculty members about their research and teaching, and from staff members about their important work for Lawrence. They love seeing Conservatory students and faculty members perform. And they enjoy the spirit of good fun and the strong sense of community we have.

If you were a behind-the-scenes contributor to the day (before or after), we appreciate your efforts as well. Without you, Giving Day wouldn’t be possible!

If you were a donor, you have our deep gratitude for your generosity.

My very best to you and your families for the holiday season.

Susie Stillman Kane ’72
Chair, Lawrence University Board of Trustees