We are so excited to welcome new students to Lawrence University! Even though things look a lot different than in previous years, we’re just as eager to meet our new Lawrentians!
The Mudd Library building isn’t open over welcome week, but your (soon-to-be) friends from the Mudd are available to help you learn about the library, university, and have some fun while you settle in!
Welcome Week Schedule:
Thursday, September 10, 4-5 pm: Game Time with the Mudd Library!
Join us for a Zoomified version of the super fun game Bring Your Own Book. All you need to do is bring a book and join us! This “game of borrowed phrases” asks you to “grab a book, and then quickly skim to satisfy the chosen prompt… with the most entertaining phrase” (from game box description).
Join the Zoom gathering here!
Friday, September 11, 3-4 pm: Book Chat and Fiber Arts with the Mudd Library
Join us to chat about a favorite book you’ve read recently, a favorite show you’ve binged (or responsibly watched), a movie you’ve loved, a game you’ve played- or share a fiber arts project you’re working on! Feel free to share, or just come to listen and learn about some fun new things!
Join the Zoom gathering here!
Available All Week!
Library Reference Chat 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday
Ask us anything! We can help you get a head start on how to access course reserves, request to have a book sent to you in campus mail, search the library catalog, browse databases, find streaming music, figure out whom to contact for what, and so much more!
Ask here!
BFFs: Students, Success, and the Seeley G. Mudd Library
This welcome video narrated by our library director Peter Gilbert is especially for parents of new Lawrentians. Learn about the many ways in which your friends in the Mudd Library provide the services and resources to help your students succeed!
You can view the video now!
Virtual Campus Resources Fair: The Mudd Library
Learn about the many ways the Mudd Library can help, and all the fun ways your new library is different from other libraries you’ve used in the past with this introduction video, narrated by reference librarian Gretchen Revie.
You can view the video now!
We also have a whole lot of introductory videos to help you get acquainted with the Mudd Library and the many helpful services we offer! To accommodate COVID-19 restrictions and safety precautions, we’ve made many of these services available remotely! Take a look at the Learning About the Library guide for this informative collection!
We’re excited to get to know all of our new students- and want you to get to know us! Helping you is why we’re here!