MyLU Insider


Category: Staff

Reserve your spot for the 2018 Annual Compliance Training!

Please remember to reserve your spot for the 2018 Annual Compliance Training by Friday, December 22.

Training will be held on the following dates:

Please contact human resources if you have any questions.  Thank you.


All Staff Meeting Next Wednesday, December 13, 9 a.m.

The next All Staff Meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, December 13, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Somerset Room in the Warch Campus Center.  Coffee and snacks will be provided.

All questions you would like to ask of Christyn Abaray, Director of Athletics or Brian Pertl, Dean of the Conservatory of Music should be emailed to

Winter Safety Tips

As the weather begins to shift, please exercise caution and prepare yourself for changing conditions.

WalkSafe Quick Tips:

  • Get ready now. Check out for resources on snow and ice removal, proper footwear and housekeeping.
  • Know your news. Identify which local TV and radio stations provide the most comprehensive winter weather information.
  • Download. Make sure your weather app is up to date if you have a smartphone, or search for a new app with the comprehensive information you are seeking.
  • Don’t let ice and snow surprise you. Snow and ice can arrive at any time during the winter season, be prepared.
  • Tell others.See a slick spot or potentially hazardous condition? Notify those in your organization who can help eliminate the hazard.

All Staff Meeting December 13, 9 a.m.

The next All Staff Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Somerset Room in the Warch Campus Center.  Coffee and snacks will be provided.

All questions you would like to ask of Chris Lee, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Christyn Abaray, Director of Athletics or Brian Pertl, Dean of the Conservatory of Music should be emailed to

PAE Nominations – Due Tomorrow, 12/1

President’s Award of Excellence

The President’s Award of Excellence (PAE) recognizes exemplary University staff members for their exceptional support and performance for their Department and the University.  For more information, please visit the President’s Award of Excellence webpage.

How to submit  a nomination:

Complete the Nomination Form describing how the nominee demonstrates the above listed criteria, not to exceed three typed pages, by December 1, 2017.  When completed with the nomination form, you will need to select “file”, “save as” and save to desktop or personal folder.  The form can be submitted via one of the following methods:

Fax:  920.993.6026
Interoffice Mail:  Rochelle Blindauer, Human Resources
Hand Deliver:  Rochelle Blindauer, Brokaw Hall, Room 108

Thank you for your nominations and recognition of the colleagues that make Lawrence a great place!

New Hires / Job Changes 11/30

The following colleagues have been hired, rehired or have a new position within the last two weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence or congratulate them on their new position!

  • Vijay Hira, Administrative Assistant – International Student Services (International Student Services)
  • Kristen Bischel, Bjorklunden Staff Assistant (Bjorklunden)

All Staff Meeting December 13, 9 a.m.

The next All Staff Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 13, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Somerset Room in the Warch Campus Center.  Coffee and snacks will be provided.

All questions you would like to ask of Chris Lee, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Christyn Abaray, Director of Athletics or Brian Pertl, Dean of the Conservatory of Music should be emailed to

Healthy Holiday Challenge

Don’t forget to weigh in for the yearly challenge that helps keep us accountable during the holiday season. Weigh in Wednesday before 2pm at the wellness center. Prizes include a fit bit, massages, hydroflasks and more. The winning team will maintain their collective weight closest to their pre-holiday weigh in.  Weigh back in the week of January 8th.