MyLU Insider

Financial Services

Category: Financial Services

Financial Aid Drop-In Hours

Do you have questions about next year’s FAFSA? Financial aid in general? Federal student aid support? Loan repayment?

The Financial Aid Office is holding drop-in hours to help in any way they can. Bring your questions and your laptop, and let’s get the FAFSA submitted!

You will also be entered in a raffle for Viking Gold!

  • Thursday, Feb. 6 | Friday, Feb. 7 | Thursday, Feb. 20 | Friday, Feb. 21
    Noon-3 p.m.
    Financial Aid Office | Chapman Hall 2nd Floor

Financial Education Series

Understanding Your Financial Aid

Friday, Oct. 18 | 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Warch 308 – Kraemer

Get a better understanding of what makes up your financial aid (grants, scholarships, awards, loans, and more).

Personal Financial Basics

Friday, Nov. 1 | 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Warch 401 – Vining-Davis

Learn about banking, savings, budgeting, insurance, and more.

Making Credit & Debit Work For You

Friday, Nov. 8 | 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Warch 308 – Kraemer

Learn about credit options, credit reports, credit scores, and managing debt.

FAFSA Drop-In Help

Thursday, May 16 | Noon-4 p.m.
Chapman Hall | 2nd Floor

Get some help with the FAFSA from the Financial Aid Office! Drop by any time between Noon-4 p.m., bring your laptop, and get your questions answered.

You will also be entered to win a raffle for Viking Gold!

Student Campus Key Return

This is a friendly reminder to campus of the student key return process at the end of each academic term.

Dorm keys must be returned to the student’s Resident Hall Director (RHD) and is currently not accepted at any other campus locations.

Any other campus keys held by students should be returned to the Student Accounts office which in now located in office #222 on the 2nd floor of Chapman Hall.

NOTE: Keys are no longer returned to Brokaw Hall.

If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Worden 832-6547.

Financial Aid, Registrar, and Student Accounts Office Grand Re-Opening

The Financial Aid, Registrar, and Student Accounts offices have moved to the 2nd floor of Chapman Hall. Students are invited to drop in to the Grand Re-Opening between 1 and 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept 21. Learn what the offices can do for you, provide suggestions for a new office name, enter to win prizes, and enjoy some snacks.  Prizes include school supply goodie bags, inkbox tattoos, and bookstore vouchers. 

The offices were previously located in Brokaw Hall.

Invoices and Credit Card **Year-End Reminders**

FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 (FY22): please be reminded of the following :

    • Please approve invoices for FY22and have them to the Financial Services office by Friday, July 15th
      • Any invoice received in our office after July 15th , will be entered into FY23.  If you are expecting an invoice that needs to be posted to FY22, but have not received it by the deadline of July 15, please contact Financial Services to work out a solution.
      • For invoices being processed near June 30, please clearly identify which fiscal year the invoice relates to as FY22 or FY23. 
        • Generally, invoices should be recorded in the fiscal year for which the delivery of the product or service relates. For example, if an invoice is dated June 25th, 2022 but is for services that will be provided after July 1st, the invoice should be posted to FY23. Conversely, if the invoice has a date of July 5th, 2022 but was for services provided prior to June 30th, that invoice should be posted to FY22. 
        • If there has been a consistent alternate posting method for a routine vendor invoice, please make note of this on the invoice.
    • All FY22 expense reports should be created, reviewed and approved NO LATER than July 15.
      • If you are contacted by Financial Services regarding late reports, PLEASE comply with their requests to complete your outstanding CERTIFY reports for compliance with our annual outside audit. 
    • If any down payments for product or services were made on an LU credit card, please contact Financial Services for proper coding.
    • CAUTION:  In CERTIFY, please review credit card purchases made near June 30 and only include purchases that should be entered into FY22 on your final June 15-June 30 expense report.  There may be transactions that were purchased prior to June 30; however, they may be posted with a July 2022 date in CERTIFY due to the banking industry processes.  If there is a July posted transaction that should be in FY22, you may include that transaction on your final June CERTIFY report.  You will have to modify your report date range to June 15- July 1 or as applicable. 
  • Please contact Brandie Jewett X6542, Kay GuiletteX7205 or Amy Price X7164 with any questions.

NEW! WI Sales Tax Exempt # for purchasing

Wisconsin has issued new sales tax exempt #s to organizations that are eligible for sales tax free purchases in the state. The new number for Lawrence University is CES 008-1020122472-11.

Lawrence University Credit Card Holders– Currently the old sales tax exempt # CES5570 is embossed on the Lawrence University JP Morgan credit cards. At this time, there is no plan to automatically replace cards until the expiration date of 03/24. If you would like a sticker with the new # CES 008-1020122472-11 to put on your University credit card, please contact your building administrative assistant or contact Kay Guilette at X7205. Cards for new credit card holders or replacement cards will have the new CES# embossed on them.

WI Sales Tax Exempt Form S-211– The new form for Lawrence University can be found on the Accounts Payable Forms page.

Tuition Benefit Programs

If you have a dependent applying to start college for the 2022-23 academic year, this message is for you! 

If you will be applying to any (or all!) of the tuition benefit programs Lawrence offers to dependents of employees, now is the time to start the tuition benefit application process.  Please see information about LU Tuition Remission, ACM Tuition Remission, and the National Tuition Exchange on the LU Financial Aid office’s website (  We strongly recommend new tuition benefit applications be submitted by December 1. 

If you have a dependent attending college on either the ACM Tuition Remission or National Tuition Exchange programs for 2021-22 who will be a continuing student next year, the LU Financial Aid office will be in contact with you directly in December regarding the process to recertify the benefit for 2022-23. 

Please email or if you have questions. 

Accounts Payable – updated ELECTRONIC submission process beginning September 7

The Financial Services office wants to update campus on its procedures for submitting invoices and disbursement requests to Accounts Payable. These processes were initially updated at the start of the pandemic to include an electronic option. Now that operations are returning to normal, a revised electronic process will be available on a permanent basis. For those who wish to revert to submitting paper copies of invoices and forms, that option continues to be available.  Please read the full updated processes available for submitting an invoice or disbursement request on the Lawrence University Accounts Payable webpage link below. 

For questions, please contact Brandie Jewett X6542