There is an 11:30am on campus massage available on Thursday July 18th. There is also a 9am and 1pm time on August 21st. The cost is $50. Sign up with Erin Buenzli.
Category: Health and Wellness
QPR Suicide Prevention Training on Campus in July
Want to Learn How to Save a Life?
In just 90 minutes, you can learn the essential steps (Question Persuade, and Refer) to help individuals who might be at risk for suicide or other mental health issues. QPR is an internationally recognized “best practice” designed to provide suicide prevention training and education to Lawrence University faculty, staff, and students. After taking this training participants will:
• Know what behaviors/warning signs indicate that someone might be at risk for suicide
• Be able to effectively communicate with someone who might be thinking about suicide
• Know how and when to refer students to Counseling Services and employees to community mental health professionals
• Learn about local and national resources for suicide prevention
There are currently two upcoming opportunities for QPR training on our campus:
Tuesday, July 16th from 10:00-11:30am
Wednesday, July 31st from 9:30-11:00am
Both sessions will take place in the Kraemer Conference Room (Warch Campus Center 308), right next to the Info Desk.
Please register here if you wish to attend:
If you’ve participated in QPR training in the past, feel free to attend again as a refresher.
Questions? Contact Julie A. Haurykiewicz (
Week 11/12 LU On the Move Winners
This week is the last official week of the On the Move Challenge. We are holding steady in 10th place overall. Prizes will be awarded in July for the overall winners. This week’s movers were:
Rose Theisen, Erin Chudacoff |
Ariela Rosa, Relena Ribbons |
Ashley Rottier, Yoly Anderson |
Amy Kester, Emmi Zheng |
Summer Massage Dates
This summer campus massage therapist will be here on July 17th, August 7th and August 21st. The cost is $50 for a 50 minute massage. The massages are held in the Wellness Center Mind Spa and you can check in at the 2nd floor office. The times are 9am, 10:15, 11:30, 1pm, 2:15 and 3:30pm. Sign up by emailing Erin Buenzli at Take advantage of this great way to take care of your self this summer.
Summer Outdoor Yoga Thursdays 5:30pm
In a collaboration with the YMCA, Outdoor Yoga will be hosted on Thursdays at 5:30pm from June 13-August 25th. You can meet by The Rock on Main Hall Green. Bring your own mat and bring a friend. This is open to the public.
Summer Wellness Hours and Classes
Wellness Center: 7am-7pm Monday- Friday
Pool: 8-2pm & 4-6:30pm MWF, 8-2pm TR
TRX: Monday and Wednesdays 12-12:45pm wellness center
Yoga: 12-12:45 TR Warch and R 5:30pm Main Hall Green
Community Blood Center Annual Blood Drive June 26th
The Community Blood Center is holding a MASH Blood Drive and Grill-out on Wednesday, June 26 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Houdini Plaza with live local music, t-shirts, free lunch and refreshments. Sign up at
LU On the Move Week 10 Winners
60 people registered their on the move points last week. There are 2 weeks left in the challenge. Let’s finish strong and keep moving. Here are this week’s winners: Amy Tesch, Rebecca Brucker, Anna Simeth and Kimberly Giertz-Karis.
LU On the Move Week 9
It’s a week of celebrating and wrapping up. Remember to take time for “renewing energy breaks” to walk or stretch. It only takes a couple of minutes. This week’s winners are Curt Lauderdale, Karen Bruno, Mike Clement and Emily Bowles.
- Regular walking boosts your energy potential in many ways including:
- Improving thinking.
- Enhancing your learning, time management and judgment.
- Boosting your creativity.
- Increasing stamina, energy and endurance.
- Decreases your stress response
LU On the Move Challenge Week 8
We are in week 8 and need everyone to keep logging your move points, and get outside. As a company we moved into 10th place. Imagine what we could do if everyone logged points this week. There are 4 more weeks left in the challenge. Keep Moving everyone. Here are this week’s and last week’s winners: Michelle Cheaney, Kate Zoromski, Morgen Moraine, Rich Jazdzweski, Andrew McSorley, Doniell Ericksen, and Emma Reading.