MyLU Insider

Health and Wellness

Category: Health and Wellness

FREE Flu Shots for on campus Students, Faculty and Staff

This year we are able to offer influenza vaccines only to the community residing or working on campus. We do encourage all others to obtain the influenza vaccine through their healthcare provider or local pharmacy. Most insurance policies will cover 100% of the cost. 

Flu Clinics

Location: Warch Campus Center – Meade Witter Room


  • September 29, 11am-2pm
  • September 30, 11am-2pm
  • October 1, 11am-2pm

Additional Flu Clinics will be added if needed. Flu shots will not be available for Faculty and Staff in Wellness Services – Health.

Please remember to take the elevators down one floor, or use the NW corner staircase for descending.  The main staircase is used for “up” traffic only. 

Wriston Art Galleries open by appointment

The Fall 2020 exhibitions are open to the LU campus community by appointment.

Featuring objects from LU’s art collection, these exhibitions feature research, curatorial work, and artwork by students, as well as the Freshman Studies photograph, Berenice Abbott’s Tri-Boro Barber School (1935).

Fill out this appointment request form to schedule a visit Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

(Image: Richard Bosman, Phosphorescence, 1993, Dr. Robert A. Dickens ’63 Collection of Contemporary Works of Art on Paper)

YMCA student memberships

Welcome – or welcome back – to Lawrence. For many years, the partnership between Lawrence University and the Appleton YMCA has provided access to the Y facilities to Lawrence University students at no charge.  The Y has given notice that starting this academic year, they need to make a change to the terms of  our agreement, and it is expected that these changes will be finalized over the next few weeks and at the latest November 1st.  While the details of the ongoing relationship are ironed out, the Y has agreed to continue providing complimentary memberships to students as in the past, with some expanded facility usage benefits.  You can pick up an application for Y membership from the Wellness Center then take it to the Y for processing and to get your membership card.

Students: Don’t Forget Your C19 Tests & Flu Shots

All students who were tested for COVID-19 from September 8-12 must participate in a second round of testing next week, September 23-25.

Testing times are as follows:

Last names beginning with A through HA will be tested on September 23 

  • A-B, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. 
  • C-D, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 
  • E-HA, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 
  • Alternative time for any who cannot make their assigned time: 3 to 5 p.m 

Last names beginning with HE through O will be tested on September 24 

  • HE-J, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. 
  • K-MA 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 
  • MC- O, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 
  • Alternative time for any who cannot make their assigned time: 3 to 5 p.m. 

Last names beginning with P through Z will be tested on September 25 

  • P-SA, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. 
  • SC-T10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 
  • U-Z, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 
  • Alternative time for any who cannot make their assigned time: 3 to 5 p.m. 

Following the COVID test, free flu shots will be given in the same area.

Students are required to get a flu shot this season, but are able to waive the immunization if can show documentation that have already received the vaccine or by completing the Immunization Waiver form (PDF) for medical contradiction, religious beliefs, or personal conviction.

Additional information for those students who still need to receive a flu shot will be shared soon. Stay tuned to your email or an upcoming edition of the LU Insider.

Questions about COVID-19 tests or flu shots can be sent to

Wellness and Recreation

Below are just a few of our wellness opportunities from Wellness Services.

  1. Reserve your space to workout at the wellness center. Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 7am-10pm, Friday 7am-9pm, Saturday 9am-7pm, Sunday 10am-9pm.
  2. Yoga classes are back. Tuesdays and Thursday 11:15-12 on Main Hall green near Ormsby Lake. Rain or below 50 degrees will be in the wellness center gym-first come first serve, limited attendance
  3. Starting Sept. 21st the pool will be open the following hours. Monday-Friday 11:15-1:15pm and Saturday 11-3pm. Sign up required. Locker rooms will remain closed.
  4. TRX Classes. New pre-recorded body weight sessions available every Monday. Wednesday 12-12:45 is a live zoom class. Log in from anywhere or reserve your space at the wellness center. Small weights and bands can replace the TRX for any exercises.

Guest Policy & Registration Form

As we prepare for the launch of Fall Term, the LPPT has refined our guest policy to ensure the health and safety of our campus community. 

We will continue to prioritize virtual gathering.  Where this is not possible guests – anyone who is not currently enrolled, employed by, or contractually affiliated with Lawrence University or the Lawrence Community Music School – may be invited to campus.  All parties seeking to invite guests to campus will be required to complete the Guest Registration Form

All guests and gatherings (both indoor and outdoor) must comply with health and safety protocols established by the university.

Testing for faculty and staff update

What to do if you did not input your designation for working on-campus this fall term and thus did not receive a testing date/time:

There is still time for you to be tested. Please email as soon as possible and we will let you know of the available times for testing.

Please note that testing is only for individuals who are NOT exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. If you feel sick or are exhibiting any symptoms on the day of your test, do not come to campus for the test.

Wellness Services is looking for student interviewers

Counseling is available at Lawrence through the Wellness Services department to help with a wide range of concerns. Services are offered through individual sessions with a trained, professional counselor in addition to group and outreach offerings to campus. Currently our department is seeking to hire an additional mental health counselor to assist in providing these services. We value your input and, as such, would like to compile a group of volunteers from the current LU student community to help with the interview process. These interviews are planned to take place between late August and early September of 2020. If you are interested in working with a group of fellow Lawrentians to interview potential candidates for the counseling position, please contact Erin Buenzli at for additional information.

COVID-19 Employee Training

As additional staff begin to return to campus, we want to provide information and resources regarding COVID-19, including prevention measures, signs and symptoms, and ways to support the health of our campus community. It is imperative that we continue to practice physical distancing, so we can continue to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect others and practice proper safety measures.

As part of that commitment, employees are required to complete the following Moodle course before returning to campus. Here is the link.

Thank you for your continuing efforts in making this transition back to campus a reality. As an institution, we are asking staff to lead the way after COVID-19 has changed so much of how we do our jobs and connect with one another. We are counting on you and appreciate the quality work that you are providing. Take care of yourself and one another.