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My Department

Category: My Department

Reminder: Ugly sweater party Dec. 7

December 7 4:30-6:30. VR opens at 4.

Ugly Sweater Contest: Those in attendance will vote for the best sweaters in two categories: Ugliest Sweater and Sweater Most Likely to be Worn by a Grandparent

Harbor House Donation Drive: Staff Connections is sponsoring a drive for donations to help Harbor House, Appleton’s local shelter for victims of domestic abuse. All partygoers who bring an item to donate (we are collecting toys, books and toiletries) to the ugly sweater party in the VR will be entered into a raffle drawing.

If you cannot attend the party and would still like to donate, there will be drop-off locations in the Warch Campus Center, financial aid office (Susan Chadwick, Brokaw 104) or admissions office (Chapman Hall 101—Najma Osman, noon–1 p.m.) from Nov. 28 to Dec. 7.

Patrick Boleyn-Fitzgerald Memorial Fund

Lawrentians interested in making donations to benefit the education of the two children of the late Patrick Boleyn-Fitzgerald and his wife, Miriam, may do so through Community First Credit Union. All donations to this fund will go toward Aidan and Finn’s educational enrichment.

To contribute to the Patrick Boleyn-Fitzgerald Memorial Fund, you may make deposits at any branch of the credit union or send them via postal mail to: Community First Credit Union, PO Box 1487, Appleton, WI 54912-9841. Please include the account number, 1183274, in the memo part of the check.

Miriam wants to keep track of who donates, but there’s not an easy system for this to happen. There’s a written note on the account to send Miriam a receipt, but not all tellers will see this note. Please ask the teller to send Miriam a receipt with your name. She appreciates this.

MLK Day Read & Reflect event Jan. 16—register now

The Martin Luther King Jr. Day Read & Reflect Committee invites you to join this year’s Read & Reflect event—a discussion of the book Nobody: Casualties of America’s War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond by Marc Lamont Hill on Monday, Jan. 16 from 10 a.m. to noon.

According to The New York Times, “[Nobody] examines the interlocking mechanisms that systematically disadvantage ‘those marked as poor, black, brown, immigrant, queer, or trans’—those, in Hill’s words, who are Nobodies. … A worthy and necessary addition to the contemporary canon of civil rights literature.”

In the wake of our presidential election, we hope this book will provide some insight into the experience of marginalized populations. This will be an action-based discussion and will not only focus on the book but also personal experiences feeling like a “nobody” and action steps we can take individually and as a campus to dismantle systematic structures that don’t support the most vulnerable.

Learn more and register online. Registration deadline is Friday, Nov. 18 or when space runs out.

Career Services can visit your classroom!

Did you know Career Services can come to your class and deliver concise and relevant career development information to your students? In recent weeks, we’ve visited music, biology, chemistry and history classes. We are eager to visit your classroom!

Our on-demand presentations can be customized to the needs of your specific class, but some of our more popular topics include resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, networking, LinkedIn and searching for internships.

If you are interested in having Career Services visit your class, please complete our On-Demand Request Presentation form or email Ty Collins.

Ugly sweater party!

Wednesday, Dec. 7
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Viking Room, Memorial Hall
*opens at 4 p.m.*

Staff Connections is sponsoring a drive for donations to help Harbor House, Appleton’s local shelter for victims of domestic abuse. All partygoers who bring an item to donate (we are collecting toys, books and toiletries) to the ugly sweater party in the VR will be entered into a raffle drawing.

If you cannot attend the party and would still like to donate, there will be drop-off locations in the Warch Campus Center, financial aid office (Susan Chadwick, Brokaw 104) or admissions office (Chapman Hall 101—Najma Osman, noon–1 p.m.) from Nov. 28 to Dec. 7.

Faculty and staff appreciation gathering

Take a break from your day, gather together and have fun socializing over music, food and beverages. We want to take this time to relax and reflect on the accomplishments of each team member over the past year; such great work has been done. Thank you for everything you do to make Lawrence a great place for students, faculty and staff!

Please join us Nov. 28 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center’s Somerset Room.

RSVP by emailing human resources.

New hires: Nov. 9

The following colleagues have been hired, rehired or have a new position within the last two weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence or congratulate them on their new position!

  • Amber Nelson, associate director of annual giving
  • Craig Thomas, systems and data services library
  • David Derfus, custodian
  • Lindsay Kehl, HR generalist
  • Zakiya Ciesielczyk, associate director of annual giving

Reminder: President’s Award of Excellence nominations due Nov. 17!

REMINDER to submit your submission for the President’s Award of Excellence. The award recognizes staff members who continually go above and beyond for the betterment of Lawrence.

You may nominate a staff member from your own department or another department by Nov. 17 (note new due date). Nomination forms are available on the PAE page and must accompany a one- to three-page, typed testimonial describing how the employee encompasses the award criteria.

The nomination form can be submitted by one of the following methods:

Fax: 920-993-6026
Interoffice mail: Rochelle Blindauer, Human Resources
Hand deliver: Rochelle Blindauer, Brokaw Hall Room 108

If you have additional questions, please see the President’s Award of Excellence FAQ page or contact Rochelle Blindauer at 920-832-6541.

WELLU Holiday Trio Challenge

Join the WELLU Holiday Trio Challenge: Maintain, Don’t Gain

Sign up in teams of three or fewer.

Prizes for the team that maintains its weight and for a random participation drawing include: Fitbit, Bluetooth speaker, massages and more.

Weigh in: Nov. 18–22
Weigh out: Jan. 4–6
9:30 a.m.–noon and 1–4:30 p.m. at the Buchanan Kiewit Wellness Center

Email for details.