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My Department

Category: My Department

Additional flu shot clinics next week

We are offering two more flu shot clinics for staff, faculty and students!

Date: Oct. 25
Location: Warch Campus Center, Esch Hurvis Room
Time: 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Date: Oct. 26
Location: Warch Campus Center, Esch Hurvis Room
Time: 11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.


Free for faculty, staff, spouses/domestic partners. A $20 fee for students that will be added to the student account.

New hires and new positions

The following colleagues have been hired, rehired or have a new position within the last two weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence or congratulate them on their new position!

  • Lauren Barnes, gift processing specialist (Development)
  • Christian Kortens, campus safety officer (Campus Services)
  • Chelsea Hamesiter, assistant men’s and women’s swimming coach (Athletics)
  • Alisa Jordheim, lecturer in music (Conservatory)
  • Aleeh Schwoerer, Conservatory tour and outreach coordinator (Conservatory)
  • Rudi Pakendorf, director of major and planned giving (Development)

D-Term opportunities with Career Services

Oct. 24 is the deadline to apply for several exciting D-Term opportunities with Career Services, including:

See LUworks for details.

Please send resumes and cover letters for all positions to by 5 p.m. on Oct. 24.

President’s Award of Excellence nominations open

As you heard during the all-staff meeting, we are continuing the President’s Award of Excellence to recognize staff members who continually go above and beyond for the betterment of Lawrence. Details about the award criteria and nomination process is outlined below.

The President’s Award of Excellence (PAE) recognizes exemplary university staff members for their exceptional support and performance for their department and the college. Award recipients will receive a $1,000 monetary award and a commemorative plaque presented at the annual Service Award Luncheon on Feb. 9, 2017, in the Warch Campus Center, where they will be recognized for their accomplishments. The president and the PAE Review Committee will select up to two individuals annually for this award.

The PAE Review Committee will carefully consider all nominations, taking into consideration the following criteria:

  • Support: Demonstrates above and beyond commitment to the support of students, staff or faculty.
  • Stewardship: Demonstrates a high level of care and responsible management for the well-being of the college and its resources for the benefit of our students, staff and faculty.
  • Innovation: Drives innovation, initiative and leadership in the workplace through creative ideas that positively impact the college and/or the surrounding community.
  • Teamwork: Works in partnership with others while nurturing an environment of camaraderie and collaboration.

Nominees must meet the following conditions:

  • Is an active, regular full- or part-time staff member with a minimum of one year of service (senior administrators, faculty, student workers/students and staff with less than one year of service or casual, temporary or leased/contracted employees are not eligible for nomination)
  • Exhibits consistent demonstration of the criteria listed above
  • Demonstrates and maintains consistent job performance that exceeds expectations while displaying high levels of commitment, stewardship and respect

On behalf of President Burstein and the review committee, I strongly encourage you to nominate a deserving colleague for the 2016 President’s Award of Excellence. You may nominate a staff member from your own department or another department. Nominations will be accepted now through Nov. 11, 2016. Nomination forms are available on the PAE page and must accompany a one- to three-page, typed testimonial, describing how the employee encompasses the above-mentioned criteria. A persuasive nomination will consist of heartfelt examples that illustrate the merit of the candidate, along with real-life anecdotes.

The nomination form can be submitted by one of the following methods:

Fax: 920-993-6026
Interoffice mail: Rochelle Blindauer, Human Resources
Hand deliver: Rochelle Blindauer, Brokaw Hall Room 108

If you have additional questions, please see the President’s Award of Excellence FAQ page or contact Rochelle Blindauer at 920-832-6541 for more information.

Thank you in advance for helping us to identify and honor outstanding members of our Lawrence University staff!

SAAC food drive underway

The Midwest Conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) canned food drive competition has started! The Lawrence SAAC will be collecting nonperishable food or cash donations ($1=2 cans of food) for the next four weeks. We are competing against the other Midwest Conference SAACs for the most donations of cash and food. Last year we collected $144.50 and 99 cans for a total of 388 cans. Knox College was the winner with a grand total of 10,593 cans of food.

We are hoping to step it up this year! Please help in any way you can, please drop them off at Alex Gym. Thank you!

LU Student-Athlete Advisory Committee


Understand your PHA report

Learn how to interpret your PHA (personal health assessment) report by attending one of the educational sessions hosted by our registered nurse educator, Laurie Ehlers.

Laurie will be sharing how to read your report, understand your numbers and how the report trends from prior years.

Please join us on one of the following days/times:

  • Oct. 25, 3 p.m.–3:30 p.m., Steitz Hall Room 202
  • Nov. 1, 8:30 a.m–9 a.m., Briggs Hall Room 420
  • Nov. 1, noon–12:30 p.m., Steitz Hall Room 202

Laure is also available for individual appointments. Email or call 920-832-7498. These appointments can be used to discuss individual results, identify goals and plan how to achieve goals.

Boleyn-Fitzgerald memorial service Oct. 19

The Lawrence community is invited to join a Buddhist service to honor Patrick Boleyn-Fitzgerald and the goodness that he lived, modeled and brought to this world, and that is expressed and carried on through each of you. The memorial service will be held Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 5:30 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center’s Esch Hurvis Room.

During the service, there will be opportunities for guided meditation and for consciously and intentionally turning inward. There will also be space provided in front of the center dais for any who wish to bring a cushion or zafu and join a seated circle on the floor.

A reception will follow, with a variety of opportunities to share memories.

Boleyn-Fitzgerald, the Edward F. Mielke Professor of Ethics in Medicine, Science and Society and associate professor of philosophy, died last month following a lengthy battle with kidney cancer. To learn more about Boleyn-Fitzgerald and the mark he left on the Lawrence community, read a story from the Lawrence news blog.

2016 Major, Intern and Research Symposium Oct. 13

One more reminder to attend the 2016 Major, Intern and Research Symposium on Oct. 13.

  • Explore majors, minors, interdisciplinary programs and talk with faculty
  • View student research posters
  • Talk with student interns about their experiences
  • Declare your major!

When/where: Oct. 13, 7–9 p.m., Esch Hurvis and Mead Witter Rooms in the Warch Campus Center (second floor)

Research posters will be up from 7 to 8:30 p.m.