MyLU Insider

Yolanda Anderson


Author: Yolanda Anderson

Leading with Diversity: Ramadan

Professional Development for Faculty, Staff, and Students.

Presented by: Professional Development Subcommittee for the President’s Committee on Diversity Affairs


Ramadan in U.S. culture is a place where the two worlds of observant Muslims can be placed slightly out of alignment: the practical world of school or work and the religious world of faithful observance.  Muslim employees, co-workers, and students may be fasting for Ramadan, a chosen practice that those observing believe brings them closer to God. As colleagues to students and workers in a space where others might be fasting, we should educate ourselves about what fasting means in this context and how it can affect others. For example,  we should take into consideration that the absence of food and water during daylight hours may affect how that student or worker manages their time due to changes in concentration and energy.    Continue reading more on the Leading with Diversity blog.

Measles Outbreaks as close as Chicago

Are you protected from Measles? Do you know your immunization status?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed there have been 626 individual cases of measles diagnosed across 22 states in the U.S. since the first of this year.  We are on track to have the highest number of measles cases in the U.S. in 25 years as of April 23rd.

How can measles be prevented?
2 doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine – 2 doses of vaccine is 97% effective.

What if you don’t know your immunization status?
• Ask your doctor or public health clinic
• Check Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) or check if the state you were vaccinated has an online record similar
• Get another MMR vaccine, there is no harm in being vaccinated again

Where to get an MMR vaccine?
Make an appointment at your doctor’s office, local pharmacy or health department. Students can contact Wellness Services at regarding vaccinations.

*Consult with your doctor with any vaccine concerns.

For more information about Measles check Wellness Services website.


Leading with Diversity Blog New Post

Presented by Professional Development subcommittee for the President’s Committee on Diversity Affairs

Creating a Safe Space

90 percent of transgender people experience harassment or discrimination in the workplace. Everyone has the right to a workplace that is free from emotional harassment, physical harassment, and/or discrimination. Likewise, we all have a responsibility to help create safe spaces at work for our transgender colleagues.

This month, we are featuring a link to a self-guided training to increase your knowledge of, and broaden your perspective on, LGBTQ+ issues. The training will introduce foundational LGBTQ+ concepts, as well as provide you with the tools and vocabulary to continue to grow in your ability to help create a safe and collegial workspace.Continue reading

Move it Monday Buddy Walk

Monday, March 4th

All Day Online

This is a fun way to increase your energy level and clear your mind!

Recognition for participating includes being entered for a chance to win one of three gift baskets which include a yoga mat, water bottle, workout bands and so much more! To participate all you have to do is go for a walk with a buddy at some point during the day and take a photo together on your walk. The walk doesn’t have to be long and can be done outside or inside, on the track, on a treadmill, around the building, or any other creative way you can think of! To participate email the photo to of you and your buddy on your walk together along with both your names.

Did you know? A short walk will help you burn calories, boost your metabolism, clear your mind to help you focus, and increase you energy level, so let’s get moving!

New Blog! Leading with Diversity

Leading With Diversity: Professional Development for Faculty, Staff and Students

Lawrence University strives to be a leader in Diversity and Inclusion by creating easily accessible resources for Professional Development for faculty, staff and students. Leading with Diversity blog lives under the Resources on the Diversity and Inclusion webpage 

Check back each month for topical materials to build awareness and skills for cultural competency.

Sometimes Disabilities are Invisible.    

Wed, 02/06/2019 – 1:47pm 

“When one is disabled, the problem is not really that they have impairments and social skill deficits. The issue at stake is that they live in an ‘ableist’ culture that rarely affords them the space or opportunity to make their unique contribution to society and does not lift up the value of choosing them as … 

Continue reading “Sometimes Disabilities are Invisible.   “ 

Checking the Box “Diversity-Related Event or Gathering”

Checking the Box “Diversity-Related Event or Gathering” 

Using the LU Room Reservation System?
Have you noticed that new checkbox under “Details”?
The one that says “Diversity-Related Event or Gathering”?

To create a more inclusive Lawrence, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Diversity and Intercultural Center encourage the campus community to be aware of upcoming events, organizations, services, workshops, and ongoing initiatives in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and equity.

When you are making a room reservation in the LU system, selecting the “Diversity-Related Event or Gathering” box allows you to indicate that your program, meeting, class, or event could be characterized in this way. This is an excellent way to attract more people to your event!

Whether it is in the Warch Campus Center, the Diversity and Intercultural Center, or anywhere on campus, ask yourself if the event you’re planning enhances diversity and inclusion. If the answer is yes, then click the box. It’s as simple as that!

By clicking the box, you’re also communicating the details of your event via the SRL webpage under Campus Diversity Updates & News.