MyLU Insider

Shannon Featherstone

Author: Shannon Featherstone

Winter Term All Staff Meeting February 27

Join us for the Winter Term All-Staff Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 27, from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center Pusey Room!

Updates will be shared by faculty and staff from across campus. There will also be time at the end to ask questions.

If you are on campus, please plan to attend in person. If you are working off campus or unable to attend in person, please contact Lindsey Wyngaard at for the Zoom link.

Hope to see you there!

New Study Abroad Program Approved

Off-Campus Programs is excited to announce the approval of our latest study abroad program: IES Nagoya, Japan.

The IES Nagoya, Japan program offers a direct enrollment opportunity through Nanzan University’s Center for Japanese Studies, where students will choose between a Modern Japanese track or an Intensive Japanese track. Aside from language study, both tracks also offer students English-taught area studies courses, elective arts classes, and Japanese-taught seminar courses. Advanced-level Japanese language courses are available.

Look for this program application opening soon. If you have questions on this program, please Make an Appointment with an Off-Campus Programs advisor.

Off-Campus Programs Deadline Extended to February 5

If you are thinking about study abroad for next year, there is still time to apply! Off-Campus Programs has extended its deadline for affiliated program applications until February 5.

For a list of affiliated programs, please go to our Approved Programs list.

The deadline for London Centre and the Francophone Seminar in Dakar, Senegal programs remains February 20 and April 1, respectively.

More information on study abroad and a link to our application are available on the Off-Campus Programs website.

To make an appointment with an Off-Campus Programs advisor, please complete our Request a Meeting form.

Staff Chili Cook-Off February 1

Mark your calendars! Save the Date! The annual Staff Chili Cook-Off event, sponsored by Staff Council, is scheduled for February 1, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Interested in participating as a cook this year and possibly winning the coveted Golden Crockpot Award? Then dust off your favorite chili recipe and look for information coming soon telling you how to sign up! This year promises to be bigger and better than ever, and we want YOU involved!

Sign up to cook for Chili Cook-Off

We have around 16 spots for cooks, so it is first come, first served!

If you have any questions regarding the chili cook-off or Staff Council, please email

New York Arts Program Info Session

A representative from the New York Arts Program, our newest off-campus program opportunity, will be on campus Thursday, January 18, to introduce their program and answer your questions.

An info session will be held in Wriston Art Center Auditorium (Room 224) at 12:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend!

The New York Arts Program allows students of the visual arts, art history, performing arts, film and media studies, dance, music and more to spend a term in New York City living, working, and creating. On this program, students earn college credit through internships and seminar classes. This is a great opportunity for students to learn how to make a living form their art and make connections in the art world!

Applications are open for 2024-2025. If you have questions on the info session, program, or the application process, please contact Off-Campus Programs.

Off-Campus Program Advisors Open-Door Office Hours

If you have any questions regarding an off-campus program or the application process for study abroad, stop by the second floor of International House to ask an advisor. Advisors will be available during office hours:

  • Monday-Friday | 8 a.m.-Noon & 1-5 p.m.

If you would prefer to schedule an appointment, please fill out our Meeting Request Form. Questions can also be emailed to

Off-Campus Programs Applications Due January 25

If you are considering study abroad or a domestic study away opportunity for the upcoming year, please get your application submitted by January 25. Students may submit their applications even if they do not have their recommendations finalized.

If you have any questions on programs or the application process, please contact Off-Campus Programs.

Go to the Off-Campus Programs website to learn more about available programs.

Study the Arts in New York City

Off-Campus Programs is excited to announce the newest addition to its affiliated programs list: the New York Arts Program.

If you are a student of the visual arts, art history, performing arts, music, creative writing or film and media studies, then this program might be for you!

This program will allow you to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of New York City, all while completing an internship or two in your field. Additionally, as part of this program, you’ll participate in seminars, receive one-on-one advising, and have time to work on a capstone project. Come and learn from working artists and explore how it is to make a living following your artistic passion!

Applications for Fall 2024 are now open and due January 25. If you have any questions, contact